Friday, May 6, 2011

Execrable, Excrutiating, Exhausting = E3?

I love dork culture. I've read comics since I was six, I love cartoons and have always wanted to get into more anime, and I love video games. So one of the exciting moments of the year is the week of E3. The lead in to it is always exciting especially if there are rumors going around like there is now with the new Nintendo console. Add to the fact the ability to watch the press conferences (and possibly receive new consoles...), play builds of games that haven't come out yet, see new stuff that hadn't been announced, and talk to people in the business to see how their games are going. It's exciting.

Yet, every year is the same. Journalists whine and complain about E3 and I have to ask...WHY?! Video games are fun. Finding out more about these games are fun. Playing games that regular people don't yet get to play is fun. You are in a position that people who love these games would love to be in. But every year I hear the same dreadful moans from gaming journalists who have to go and spend a week of their lives who have to report on similar stuff that they normally talk about throughout the year. Except, this is a week with new video games, new trailers, new info, new screenshots, NEW NEW NEW. They are fortunate to be in a job position that is not only hardly difficult, but they are being paid to do things they enjoy. Play and learn about video games.

So to all the lucky ones going to E3: Don't be miserable. There are a lot of people who want to be in your shoes. And it's not like the journalists that go are doing something others can't do. Get information, then relay that to your site/magazine with occassional opinions mixed in if it's that kind of article. So please, be enthusiastic. Because it's so frustrating when people that don't go or can't go have to hear you all bitch and complain about something that should be more enjoyable.

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